(561) 501-2255 Appointment

Fat Reduction
in Boynton Beach, FL

American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Logo American Academy of Dermatology Logo Florida Academy of PAs Logo American Academy of Physician Assistants American Med Spa Association
boynton beach fat reduction model

A better way to burn stubborn body fat

Excess fat poses a persistent problem for many adults.

While excess fat can develop at any age, it is an especially common problem in adulthood as metabolism slows, hormones change, stress wreaks havoc, and fat stores develop. These stubborn pockets of excess fat are often resistant to diet and exercise and may not diminish in proportion to fat in other areas of the body. Allura MedSpa + Wellness offers non-surgical fat reduction in Boynton Beach, NJ, to permanently eliminate hard-to-lose excess fat throughout the body. SculpSure, Evolve, and Kybella treatments allow you to achieve a natural-looking leaner and more youthful appearance without surgery or downtime.

What are the benefits of non-surgical fat reduction?

Boynton Beach fat reduction at Allura MedSpa + Wellness allows patients to effectively sculpt their body without the discomfort, invasiveness, and downtime of surgery.

These advanced treatments are fast, effective, and well-tolerated, with easy sessions that can be scheduled into your lunch break! Non-surgical fat reduction destroys fat permanently and produces natural-looking results, so you can rest assured you will simply look like a slimmer you!

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What can I expect during my fat reduction recovery?

These non-surgical treatments involve very minimal recovery and no downtime. Soreness, swelling, and tenderness may occur after SculpSure. While these mild side effects may last up to two weeks, they are easily manageable with over-the-counter pain medication.

After Evolve, you may notice some redness and a warm sensation that begins soon after treatment and resolves within a few hours. With Kybella, you may experience some mild bruising, swelling, and numbness. However, these conditions fade soon after treatment.

Non-surgical fat reduction results

While you may notice a change in treated areas within a few weeks of your first treatment, your full results will develop for about three months after your final treatment. Depending on the amount of fat present in the target area or areas, patients usually require a series of treatments to achieve optimal results. The specialists at Allura MedSpa + Wellness can help you determine how many treatments you will need to achieve your goals.

Results from these treatments are permanent. However, the remaining fat cells will continue to grow and shrink with significant weight change. The best way to maintain the sculpted appearance you achieve with non-surgical fat reduction is with a healthy and active lifestyle.

Am I a candidatefor non-surgical fat reduction?

The best candidates for non-surgical fat reduction are generally healthy, non-smoking men and women who would like to eliminate excess fat in areas of the body that don’t respond to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Most patients who are interested in these treatments lead a busy life and require treatment that won’t interrupt their day-to-day routine with significant recovery or downtime.

Schedule your Boynton Beach fat reduction consultation with Allura MedSpa + Wellness

Allura MedSpa + Wellness in Boynton Beach is here to help you eliminate excess belly fat, body fat, and submental fat without the drawbacks of surgery.

If you are interested in learning more about the non-surgical fat reduction treatments we offer or would like to take the first step toward slimmer and more youthful body contours, please contact our office during regular business hours to schedule your consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve the best results possible!

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There are many “medspas” in South Florida, but here’s only one Allura MedSpa + Wellness. Our highly certified medical professionals ensure that your treatments deliver medically sound and beautiful aesthetic results. At the same time, our luxurious medspa offers you the relaxing comfort and decadence of a high-end spa day. Schedule a consultation today to discover why Allura MedSpa + Wellness truly lives up to its name.